Make your blogging more blissful


This post was originally published on Songbird. For DIY inspiration of the home and crafts variety you can find lots of inspiration there.


Happy laptop Image: Channah

Do you share my addiction for reading blogs? Do you feel as guilty as I do for spending way to much time in front of the computer? Do you have the bloggers butt I have? Would you like to make your blog-reading better?

Proberen jullie ook zo veel blogs te volgen? En kost dat jullie ook zo veel tijd? Ik heb twee hulpmiddelen gevonden die het volgen van blogs zo veel leuker en makkelijker maken. Twee Amerikaanse blogdames leggen dit geweldig goed uit. Simplemom legt op haar blog het hoe en vooral het waarom van het abbonneren op blogs uit. En Lindsay wees mij verleden week op de geweldige Google Next functie die het lezen van blogs in mijn reader veel leuker maakt. Beide blogs zijn in het Engels.

Ik ben meer dan bereid om voor jullie Nederlandse dames deze twee nuttige posts in het Nederlands te vertalen. Maar voordat ik daaraan begin wil ik natuurlijk wel eerst even weten of dat nodig is. Dus als je de engelse posts niet helemaal begrijpt en graag een vertaling wilt, laat dan even een berichtje achter en dan ga ik voor jullie aan het werk.

This weekend I tried to persuade my sister to become a subscriber of my blog (yes shocking I know, even my own sister(s) has not subscribed to my chitchat on the web). I don’t think I was successful in convincing her of the benefits of following blogs in a reader. It made me realize that not everybody knows all the tricks and gimmicks there are in blogging. So I thought I’d share two blogposts I found extremely helpful.

Instead of trying to explain it myself I should have sent my sister to SimpleMom’s blog. She has written the best and most convincing explanation I ever read about what subscribing is and why it makes your life so much easier.

So if you ever wondered what this

rss feed button

is, or you don’t know why you should become a subscriber go HERE and read it. But wait, afterwards come back here because I have more to say.

A couple of days ago I read THIS POST by Living with Lindsay and it changed my blog reading immediately. I share Lindsay’s experience that reading blogs in a reader makes me very lazy when it comes to leaving comments, it is so easy to just scroll to the next blog without going to the blog itself. I even missed some of the blog or banner makeovers you guys did, because I never came round to your site. Well no more. Read Lindsay’s explanation about Google Next feature and you will love visiting all the blogsites again, and commenting will be so easy!

And you all realized I totally stole my title for this post didn’t you.

I got it from this great book that I received a week ago.

blogging for bliss bookcover

You must have heard about it. Tara wrote a whole book about the bliss blogging is. And so many of my favorite creative bloggers are featured. Go get this book and you will not only read many useful tips to make your blogging more blissful, but you will also meet some great creative blogsters out there.
De titel van deze post heb ik getikt van het boek Blogging for Bliss van Tara Frey. Het is een geweldig boek met goede tips over bloggen en heel veel voorbeelden van mooie blogs van creatieve dames. Een echte aanrader.

Of course now I want to add even more blogs to my reader because it is such fun to visit all these great blogging women out there (my count number is currently at 110, and yours?). I fear however that my blogging butt will increase exponentially.
Maar ja, nu wil ik eigenlijk nog meer blogs gaan volgen. Op dit moment staan er 110 blogs in mijn reader (en in die van jou?). Helaas denk ik wel dat ik dan helemaal aan mijn stoel vastgroei.

Shared this with We Are That Family WFM Wednesday.



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